credit to:
My apologise, because there is someone is not in the picture. This picture was taken during our first reunion apa entah tiba tiba buat reunion, haha okay actually it was planned like thousand years ago. Tapi untuk tidak mengecewakan tuan ruma, I digged some pictures just to make sure she will be in this entry.
Well, she is in middle. How on earth can you have such damn funny friends? Seperti bila anda berada di tingkatan dua, anda cakap dengan abah mahu buat study group di ruma Ain, sebab exam sudah dekat dan anda sangat lemah dalam subjek sejarah. Tapi melencong pinjam basikal Ain, naik dua orang pusing pusing dekat taman permainan, lepas tu jatuh pulak depan rumah cina mana entah, kemudian ditimpa oleh budak berat di atas tu, dan rumah tu pula ada anjing garang yang tidak terikat sedang menyalak seperti mahu menerkam dan menyiat nyiat organ-organ penting anda. Justeru itu menyebabkan kawan anda lari meninggalkan anda, pada hal anda masih tertiarap di atas jalan dengan basikal yang masih menghempap saraf tunjang dengan tapak tangan halus mulus yang terluka akibat tergores jalan raya.
Trust me, when that happens. Anda tidak akan marah atau teringin rasa marah. Malah akan menjerit minta bantuan, dan lari tergopoh gapah memapah basikal sambil ketawa terbahak bahak. Dan kisah benar ini masih mampu membuat anda dan kawan-kawan anda gelak sakan tak hengat biarpun setelah 8 tahun berlalu, dan mungkin anak cucu cicit pun nanti akan tahu tentang cerita ini.
Or why on earth you have such friends, yang akan bawa anda ronda ronda naik Corolla Altis emak yang baru dibeli beberapa bulan dan masuk bengkel sebab accident kecil, kemudian boleh muatkan 6 orang dalam satu kereta dan pergi lepak di taman permainan di tepi tokong besar yang ada mini zoo? Dan masih ingat lagi, hari raya setiap tahun adalah satu kewajipan untuk bertandang ke ruma Era makan laksa sarawak emak dia yang best (tapi dia pulak tidak tahu cara memasak nya), makan kek lapis sarawak yang best juga, makan kek batik yang paling Bella gemari selepas itu pergi beraya ke rumah siapa entah. Belasah saja, atas alasan itu adalah hari raya. Fuh, days I wont regret getting along with them!
Hence, as time goes by everyone has their on path to lead. We are not together like we used to, they had to go for good. They are after their dreams, ada yang pergi untuk jadi Accountant, ada yang pergi belajar untuk jadi setiuasaha apa entah, ada yang belajar untuk jadi tauke kebun kelapa sawit bapa sendiri and eventually I make some new friends to entertain me while the others are gone. For those who reading this, please don't be surprised when I mentioned their names. I know them for quite sometimes, and we worked in the same place but we never talked much. But everything changed when Bella came back in last September teehee :D
I wont say that they are my colleagues, because we are working in total different field. But they are my friends though, otherwise I wont be mumbling about them in my blog right? The thing I like about them is, they are so funny they make joke about everything. How can you feel more lucky when in times of grieve he is there for you, seperti bila pada suatu hari abah bercadang pergi ke suatu tempat agak jauh yang sudah lama dia tidak pergi. Ditambah pula apabila setahun mungkin hanya 6 kali memandu kereta, kemudian sejak pemergian nya tidak pula menelefon ke ruma beri khabar berita. Selepas 3 hari, masih juga tidak dapat dihubungi dan berhubung. Dan terasa tension seperti segala organ penting dan badan menggeletar dan menggelabah.
And when you texted him, early in the morning dan cerita tentang semuanya. He was so calm dan cakap "tenang lah mungkin abah hanya pergi bercuti-cuti malaysia, ataupun mahu bersendirian." (apakejadahnya abah aku nak bersendirian asdhfjhasljhfdk) "Esok cuba call lagi, kalau tak dapat jugak. Baru buat police report". I was relieved for awhile, dan beberapa jam selepas itu kakak menelefon dan beritahu abah sudah selamat pulang ke rumah. Sumpah masa tu terasa seperti ingin pecut kereta laju laju, balik rumah dan marah abah sebab hp dia rosak pada masa yang tidak sesuai dan dia pula tidak hafal/ingat no telefon emak, kakak atau pun saya sendiri.
There is another one on my list, but I don't have any photo of his. He is a funny man too, he gave me this adorable name "Kechik" I prefered spell it that way if you dont mind. He always acting like a brother to me, and he keeps a saying for himself "hidup mesti simple". It is only one way or another, like win or lose. Simple.
Sometimes you wouldn't know what a true friend can do for you. As for me, I'm overwhelm with gratitude to have such wonderful people in my life and how they affected it. Dan kerana anda sayang sangat dengan kawan, anda mampu menukar warna dan saiz font post and, supaya kawan anda yang rabun dan kurang mengenal warna dapat membaca blog anda. Walaubagaimanapun I still have few people I want to put in here, its just I dont have much time to do that and please do not take it personally nor hard feeling.
you know you love me ♥
Si Bella sangat suka makan itu barbecued pork, I do not know whether she still craving for it. Do you Bell?
Bella covering the cleaveage!
Ignore the besen behind us, we use it to drown Bella! saja bergurau manja manja. We were acting like sudah bertahun-tahun berkecimpung dalam bidang culinary and pastry. pergghh! ayat mesti mantap.
cupcakes for my aunty!
cupcakes for my brother-in-law's 31st birthday
And again, pls ignore the misarrangement of the cuppies. The 31st suppose to be in second line after the word 'happy'. But then, I was so happy with the outcome. Its not like the cuppies you saw in the cake shop or at the cupcake chic, but when you bake and make them for someone you care. It feels different, tanya Bella kalau tidak percaya. And suddenly I feel like cinta memenuhi udara!
and this is Bella's topping for her very own cuppies!
Well, look at the cuppies. I'll guide to, no worries.
what do you think about that one? and what do you think it is? guess what, Bella was trying to draw a bikini. A roxy bikini I think..I did not know, whether she was trying to be funny, or she is born funny. But that definitely does not look like a bikini, it is more look like a triangle drawn by my nephew but it looks more funny! (sorry I could not improve the picture quality due to the picture was taken by hanphone cikai saya, yang kalau buat baling anjing liar dekat taman akan koma selama 4 hari) if not, and pasti akan terhibur dengan reka bentuk topping yang dibuat oleh Bella.
p/s: Apakah benar, sekiranya kita mengajak orang yang tengah kacau jiwa (cth: Bella) ke kediaman kita untuk membuat kek cawan versi hari jadi. Kek cawan kita akan bertukar menjadi seakan-akan kek cawan yang telah dicampur dengan minyak gamat cap Ali Kuat?
can you spot any flaw?
Oh come on! Look carefully, when I first saw this. I was like, heh what the heck is this.. Lets check it out
It's okay spare your time, I have made the job easier for you by highlighting the words so that you can see it clearly.What do you think? Funny isn't it? What are they trying to do actually? For heaven's sake veryone knows you cannot do direct translation from English to Malay, but if you do this is the result! And guess what, in this entry saya telah bermurah hati untuk membuat satu soalan yang menarik. Sesiapa yang dapat menjawab soalan ini dengan tepat akan mendapat tiket percuma menyaksikan persembahan Bella Luna menari inang dan zapin. Here goes the question, try to direct-translate this sentence to Malay:
I stick out like a sore thumb.
huhhh!! Finally, my blog is ready to rock! I finally decided to start blogging, even though I still do not have any idea what to blog. Tetapi saya akan cuba untuk jadi kreatif, supaya blog ini seronok untuk semua orang. But to come up with my very own blog page, is not as easy as I thought..
I've read my friends' blog, and their blog is awesome I would say. In fact, for these past few days, I have been trying to place a Nuffnang ads on the side of my blog but I did not get the right way. But I hope that anyone who is reading this, would have some mercy and show me the right way..oh god please have mercy!
All in all, this is a official opening of my blog. Welcome to the blog sphere!