can you spot any flaw?
Oh come on! Look carefully, when I first saw this. I was like, heh what the heck is this.. Lets check it out

It's okay spare your time, I have made the job easier for you by highlighting the words so that you can see it clearly.What do you think? Funny isn't it? What are they trying to do actually? For heaven's sake veryone knows you cannot do direct translation from English to Malay, but if you do this is the result! And guess what, in this entry saya telah bermurah hati untuk membuat satu soalan yang menarik. Sesiapa yang dapat menjawab soalan ini dengan tepat akan mendapat tiket percuma menyaksikan persembahan Bella Luna menari inang dan zapin. Here goes the question, try to direct-translate this sentence to Malay:
I stick out like a sore thumb.
ahahaha budu nya...teguling2 aku ketawa keke
ReplyDeleteui aku tau ni mn...sabah chicken rice kn..?
aku penah pgi ba...hahaha
bikin malu eh...
napa ko ckp d cni, x bulih tu tau..
ReplyDeletetp mimang lucu ba kan!