*the evil smirks* and the main message is, STOP CONSUMING PORK.
Hello world, or should I greet Assalamualaikum w.t.b... (give salam, but then picture of swine on top of it. Is it okay? sorry, my bad)
I watched news on TV3 this morning, and they reported the WHO declared the flu pandemic after the swine flu infecting ten of thousands of people in 74 countries. Margaret Chan (Director General of WHO) says, this pandemic should not spark panic. Oh! gosh, they have always said that. And that makes things gone worst, when you say "do not panic" that is when people start to lose self-control. I am not pointing to any side, or I should know better what is the right thing to tell people. tee hee! I am just saying that, I am panic now. But the swine flu has escalated into the world's first influenza pandemic after 40 years, the last world's pandemic was declared due to the Hong Kong's flu which occured sometime in 40 years ago.
Haiya, ini b*b* aa, sangat merunsingkan hati saya. Tetapi sudah pasti sekarang ini, sekalian b*b* di seluruh dunia berasa sangat bahagia dan dapat tidur dengan nyenyak sambil meleleh air liur di dalam kandang mereka (seperti dalam filem, the Chalotte's Web) kerana mereka tidak perlu takut disembelih untuk dijadikan makanan. Tapi mungkin akan takut disembelih kerana telah menyebabkan kematian kepada manusia, dan mesti rasa bersalah, tidak puas hati serta bertanya wtf dan jahanam punya soalan seperti:
Kenapa kami dibunuh hanya kerana menghidap selsema?
Si Bella sangat suka makan itu barbecued pork, I do not know whether she still craving for it. Do you Bell?
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