Friday, June 12, 2009

"good morning world!"

*the evil smirks* and the main message is, STOP CONSUMING PORK.

Hello world, or should I greet Assalamualaikum w.t.b... (give salam, but then picture of swine on top of it. Is it okay? sorry, my bad)

I watched news on TV3 this morning, and they reported the WHO declared the flu pandemic after the swine flu infecting ten of thousands of people in 74 countries. Margaret Chan (Director General of WHO) says, this pandemic should not spark panic. Oh! gosh, they have always said that. And that makes things gone worst, when you say "do not panic" that is when people start to lose self-control. I am not pointing to any side, or I should know better what is the right thing to tell people. tee hee! I am just saying that, I am panic now. But the swine flu has escalated into the world's first influenza pandemic after 40 years, the last world's pandemic was declared due to the Hong Kong's flu which occured sometime in 40 years ago.

Haiya, ini b*b* aa, sangat merunsingkan hati saya. Tetapi sudah pasti sekarang ini, sekalian b*b* di seluruh dunia berasa sangat bahagia dan dapat tidur dengan nyenyak sambil meleleh air liur di dalam kandang mereka (seperti dalam filem, the Chalotte's Web) kerana mereka tidak perlu takut disembelih untuk dijadikan makanan. Tapi mungkin akan takut disembelih kerana telah menyebabkan kematian kepada manusia, dan mesti rasa bersalah, tidak puas hati serta bertanya wtf dan jahanam punya soalan seperti:

Kenapa kami dibunuh hanya kerana menghidap selsema?

Si Bella sangat suka makan itu barbecued pork, I do not know whether she still craving for it. Do you Bell?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chicky Kek Cawan!

The title must be eye-catching, even though the entry is lame! Itu lah rahsia kepada tumit kaki yang cantik, wth?! okay, on the last 28th of May. (berapa punya lama daaaa..) Me and my sister had this baking cupcakes session, those cupcakes are for his beloved hubby's birthday on 29th of May. But that time, Bella was on holiday mood and she insisted to join us for the session. (Firstly, aku memang tidak mahu mengajak beliau. Kerana dia adalah cake-monster who will eat up all cakes yang berdiri di jalan beliau.)

Hopefully, Bella will not read this. If she does, dia akan berasa marah dan akan bersilat gayong dengan selipar jepun yang ada reben merah di depan warung Lela..

oh! I forgot that in my last entry I forgot to mention who is Bella, she is my besty and she is the picture below! and those are our favourite sessions of topping the cupcakes!

Bella covering the cleaveage!

Ignore the besen behind us, we use it to drown Bella! saja bergurau manja manja. We were acting like sudah bertahun-tahun berkecimpung dalam bidang culinary and pastry. pergghh! ayat mesti mantap.

cupcakes for my aunty!

cupcakes for my brother-in-law's 31st birthday

And again, pls ignore the misarrangement of the cuppies. The 31st suppose to be in second line after the word 'happy'. But then, I was so happy with the outcome. Its not like the cuppies you saw in the cake shop or at the cupcake chic, but when you bake and make them for someone you care. It feels different, tanya Bella kalau tidak percaya. And suddenly I feel like cinta memenuhi udara!

and this is Bella's topping for her very own cuppies!

Well, look at the cuppies. I'll guide to, no worries.

  • The starry stars
  • The kiss
  • The sexy love
  • The what on earth is that?!

what do you think about that one? and what do you think it is? guess what, Bella was trying to draw a bikini. A roxy bikini I think..I did not know, whether she was trying to be funny, or she is born funny. But that definitely does not look like a bikini, it is more look like a triangle drawn by my nephew but it looks more funny! (sorry I could not improve the picture quality due to the picture was taken by hanphone cikai saya, yang kalau buat baling anjing liar dekat taman akan koma selama 4 hari) if not, and pasti akan terhibur dengan reka bentuk topping yang dibuat oleh Bella.

p/s: Apakah benar, sekiranya kita mengajak orang yang tengah kacau jiwa (cth: Bella) ke kediaman kita untuk membuat kek cawan versi hari jadi. Kek cawan kita akan bertukar menjadi seakan-akan kek cawan yang telah dicampur dengan minyak gamat cap Ali Kuat?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oh So Random!

This time I want to blog about something I really wanted to share with all of you for so long. There is a restaurant here in Lahad Datu, to be specific it is located at Bandar Sri Perdana. (mungkin orang yang tinggal di Kelana Jaya macam Bella belum pernah sampai ke sini). I always come by to eat, of course. Takkan main congkak dengan tukang masak restauran ni pulak kan, heh!

But fine day, when I entered this restaurant. I realize something, maybe other people also did! I'll put a photo so you can see the way I did, okay hiperbola!

can you spot any flaw?

Oh come on! Look carefully, when I first saw this. I was like, heh what the heck is this.. Lets check it out

It's okay spare your time, I have made the job easier for you by highlighting the words so that you can see it clearly.What do you think? Funny isn't it? What are they trying to do actually? For heaven's sake veryone knows you cannot do direct translation from English to Malay, but if you do this is the result! And guess what, in this entry saya telah bermurah hati untuk membuat satu soalan yang menarik. Sesiapa yang dapat menjawab soalan ini dengan tepat akan mendapat tiket percuma menyaksikan persembahan Bella Luna menari inang dan zapin. Here goes the question, try to direct-translate this sentence to Malay:

I stick out like a sore thumb.

opening ceremony

Purposely letak gambar ini untuk nampak exagerrate!

huhhh!! Finally, my blog is ready to rock! I finally decided to start blogging, even though I still do not have any idea what to blog. Tetapi saya akan cuba untuk jadi kreatif, supaya blog ini seronok untuk semua orang. But to come up with my very own blog page, is not as easy as I thought..

I've read my friends' blog, and their blog is awesome I would say. In fact, for these past few days, I have been trying to place a Nuffnang ads on the side of my blog but I did not get the right way. But I hope that anyone who is reading this, would have some mercy and show me the right way..oh god please have mercy!

All in all, this is a official opening of my blog. Welcome to the blog sphere!