Hello sunshine!
I'm currently busy with works, but still the urge to post an entry is so strong so that my page won't look so stale. Its just a simple entry, about a friend and I simply want to share. A new friend my mine, and I just love his artworks!
He shoots like no other, his hands are magical. He sees things and the world through different perspective. His masterpiece are just magnificients and they made me see photography in different angle :)
Saya memang tidak tahu menahu apa apa tentang fotografi, tapi apabila melihat gambar yang diambil ia membuat hati dan mata saya mahu melihat dunia melalui perspektif yang berbeza. Pernah dengar orang kata picture worth a thousand words? begitu la kiranya saya melihat foto foto yang diambil, gambar boleh ditafsir mengikut kata hati sendiri. owh indah :)
Call him for any events! visit him at The Nite Shooter
Call him for any events! visit him at The Nite Shooter
All the best En. Jaja, keep up the good works!
Here, some of my favourites eye-catching of Edz's masterpiece. owh mesmerizing :)

Mahu upload lebih banyak gambar yang cun cun, tapi perlu install KAV Open Space di laptop yang berlambak. owh I just love doing this, tidak rugi mereka bayar gaji tahu :)
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